Επαφή μας με Μουσείο Σικάγου Αμερικής - 06/04/2017

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Dear Ms Georgouses

I am the Director of the Argo program also i am the President of Argonautes club crew of Argo ship.

I  am excited hearing from Dr Angelo Bravos that you are interesting geting in touch with our club .

According to the legend ,when Jason undertook the task of returning the golden fleece from Colhis ,he invited all the brave heroes of his era to accompany him on his great adventure.

The ship for this task was built by ARGOS and was named after him "ARGO".

The Municipality of Volos City decided to rebuilt an ecxact replica of Argo.

The ship building process began in august 2004 ,at a slow deliberate pace ,the ship building faithfully followed the prehistoric method and was completed in four phases (keel-casing-layout-rigging) by early spring in 2007.

In the summer of 2008 ,the Experimental trip of Argo took place.this trip was equal in scale to the mythical journey of Argo.

This trip ,covering a total distance of 650 nautical miles took place during day light, always “in vew of  shores “and required approximately 24 Legs of sailing using oars (54 days in total ).

No nails were used in ship building,since bronce was very expensive and rare material.in that era.

The ARGO ship is 28,5m in length, 4,3m in width and with a hull depth of 2 meters.

I could talk for days for this magnificent trip ,but I prefer to show the videos that we have shoot during the construction and the trip…and we would be happy to show all this to you in a spectacular way..

We would be happy to display and present this material to all Greek schools of Chicago area and of course to SAINT SOPHIA as Dr bravos reguested.

We are interesting in forming a cultural collaboration between your Museum and the Municipality of Volos and the club of Argonautes,giving the opportunity to the Greek kids of  Chicago ( and not only),to experience this magnificiend trip of ARGO and Argonautes.

As you are already aware Greece is undergoing a severe economic crisis ,therefore we are lacking the economic resourses for such a task.

In order to be able to present all this material ,it is required for two people (Argonautes) to travel in the states .

Fortunately housing can be provided by Dr Angelos Bravos but there is no resource currently to cover the cost of the air tickets.

Would your Museum be able to cover this cost ,we would be happy to be there as many days as needed to do all the presentations to all schools..

I look forward to your response..

                                                                                        Yours Sincerely

                                                                                        Nikos Ntokos


Βράβευση Κωπηλατών

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Προς όλους τους κωπηλάτες που συμμετείχαν στην κινηματογράφηση

Σας προσκαλούμε στην εκδήλωση προς τιμή των κωπηλατών,
που εθελοντικά συμμετείχαν και συνέβαλαν με επιτυχία
στην πραγματοποίηση του πλου της «ΑΡΓΩ» στον Παγασητικό κόλπο
στο πλαίσιο της κινηματογράφησης του πλοίου από την αυστραλέζικη εταιρεία παραγωγής ιστορικών ντοκιμαντέρ OXUS SECRETS OF A LOST WORLD,
στο διάστημα 8-11.6.2012.

Η εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Δευτέρα 2 Ιουλίου 2012 και ώρα 20:30 στην αίθουσα εκδηλώσεων του Δημαρχείου Βόλου.

Με τιμή
Ο Δήμαρχος Βόλου
Πάνος Τρ. Σκοτινιώτης

Επίσκεψη Μουσικού Λυκείου Λευκάδας - 28/03/2017

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Μουσικό Λύκειο Λευκάδας

28 Μαρτίου 2017

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